Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Dari Lena CBN - Jakarta

Kalau yang ini hasil ngiler2an makanan kalau udah dekat jam makan siang, dikirim lewat YM aja, kita ngobrol2an, kalau dia lapar mau makan siang kalau saya disini laper karena belum sarapan pagi....( beda AD - 3 jam dengan Jakarta).

yang di down load Lena dari berbagai sumber.....

Lemon grass chicken

4 buah paha ayam bagian atas, buang tulangnya
3 buah bawang putih, kupas
1 buah bawang Bombay yang kecil, belah-belah
1 buah lemon grass, iris melintang1/2 cm

Bumbu, aduk rata:
1 sdm air jeruk lemon
1 sdm saus tiram
2 sdm saus hoisin
1 sdm saus tomat botolan
2 sdm kecap Jepang/kecap asin
1/2 sdt merica bubuk
1/2 sdt gula pasir
Brokoli, rebus

Cara membuat:
Aduk potongan ayam dengan Bumbu hingga rata. Diamkan selama 1 jam.
Taruh ayam di pinggan tahan panas.
Taburi bawang putih dan irisan bawang Bombay. Beri irisan jeruk lemon.
Panggang dalam oven panas 180 C selama 30 menit hingga ayam matang.
Angkat. Iris-iris ayam melintang. Sajikan

- Xiao long Bao, soup dumpling

450 g daging ayam, cincang
150 g udang kupas, cincang
7.6 g garam
11.4 g kaldu ayam bubuk
19 g gula pasir
3.8 g tepung Sang Fen/potato starch
merica bubuk
minyak wijen

150 g tepung Narcisus/tepung Hongkong
150 g tepung beras Erawan
130 g air
19 g minyak sayur

600 g cakar ayam
600 g air
7.6 g garam
11.4 g kaldu ayam bubuk
19 g gula pasir
garam, kaldu ayam bubuk, gula, sagu Sang Fen, minyak wijen, merica, jahe cincang dan cuka merah
cusson90: ara membuat:
Isi: Aduk semua bahan menjadi satu bersama bumbu. Sisihkan.
Kulit: Aduk semua bahan dan uleni hingga kalis. Diamkan selama 10 menit.
Jelly: Kukus semua bahan menjadi satu sehingga mengental seperti jelly. Simpan dalam freezer.
# Penyelesaian: Ambil 600 g adonan Isi dan 600 g Jelly, aduk jadi satu.
Gilas adonan per 6 g hingga bundar tipis.
# Isi adonan dengan campuran adonan isi. Lipat bagian atasnya hingga rapi.
# Kukus selama 5 menit.
# Sajikan panas.

Chinese Lemon Chicken


Pictured above; Lemon Chicken

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2 1/2 tbsp sherry or cooking wine
4 Spring onions
1 Piece of root ginger
500g Boned chicken, cut into 1 inch strips
2 tbsp oil
3 tbsp lemon rind
125g Chinese sliced mushrooms
1 chili pepper, seeded & minced
2 tbsp Light soy sauce
1/2 cup lemon juice
3 Romaine diced lettuce leaves


Put the sherry, spring onions, lettuce leaves and ginger in a bowl.
Add the chicken to the bowl and leave to marinate in the bowl for 15 minutes.

In a separate bowl soak the mushrooms in hot water until they are soft then remove the hard stems.

In a wok or deep frying pan start heating the oil. Add the sliced mushroom and the chili pepper. Stir fry for one minute.

Add in the marinated chicken and the marinade, then cook for 3 minutes.
Stir in the soy sauce, lemon juice and lemon rind then cook for another minute.

Serve with steamed rice with a garnish of sliced lemon and chopped spring onion or slices of cucumber.

Kung Pao Chicken
Submitted by: Arlena

"Spicy chicken with peanuts, similar to what is served in Chinese
restaurants. It is easy to make, and you can be as sloppy with the
measurements as you want. They reduce to a nice, thick sauce.
cashews for peanuts, or bamboo shoots for the water chestnuts. You
go wrong! Enjoy!"
Original recipe yield: 4 servings.

Prep Time:
30 Minutes
Cook Time:
30 Minutes
Ready In:
1 Hour 30 Minutes
4 (change)


* 455 g skinless, boneless chicken breast halves - cut into chunks
* 30 ml white wine
* 30 ml soy sauce
* 30 ml sesame oil, divided
* 15 g cornstarch, dissolved in 2 tablespoons water
* 30 g hot chile paste
* 5 ml distilled white vinegar
* 10 g brown sugar
* 60 g green onions, chopped
* 10 g chopped garlic
* 224 g water chestnuts
* 115 g chopped peanuts


1. To Make Marinade: Combine 1 tablespoon wine, 1 tablespoon soy
sauce, 1 tablespoon oil and 1 tablespoon cornstarch/water mixture and
mix together. Place chicken pieces in a glass dish or bowl and add
marinade. Toss to coat. Cover dish and place in refrigerator for about
30 minutes.
2. To Make Sauce: In a small bowl combine 1 tablespoon wine, 1
tablespoon soy sauce, 1 tablespoon oil, 1 tablespoon cornstarch/water
mixture, chili paste, vinegar and sugar. Mix together and add green
onion, garlic, water chestnuts and peanuts. In a medium skillet, heat
sauce slowly until aromatic.
3. Meanwhile, remove chicken from marinade and saute in a large
skillet until meat is white and juices run clear. When sauce is
aromatic, add sauteed chicken to it and let simmer together until sauce

Makasih ya ?


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